
Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Protect phpMyAdmin directory

Of course you do not want your phpMyAdmin is accessed by just anyone (except maybe if you install phpMyAdmin on a personal computer, or you are using advanced authentication where the user can use your phpMyAdmin to access the database each). If you do not want to password protect the phpMyAdmin directory, Gone section.

Here we will protect the phpMyAdmin directory with scripts Ace Password. This script is quite safe to use to protect your website directories. Basic work of Ace Password is access granted to users based on. Htaccess and. Htpasswd are uploaded to the desired directory. You can download Ace Password address. This script file size is 6 MB in file format. Zip. When it has downloaded extract the file, then you will get 4 files:. Htaccess,. Htpasswd, acepassword.cgi, and README.html. The first thing you do is open the file acepassword.cgi, here you need to edit the location of perl on the server, in the first line there:
#! / Usr / bin / perl

If different, you can contact your webhosting admin.

$ Password = "password"; variable in this password to be used in the setup the first time you install Ace Password, to further this password is not used.

Once it was uploaded to the phpMyAdmin directory and chmod the file. Htpasswd and. Htaccess to 666 (or 644, depending on the setting on your hosting server), and acepassword.cgi to 755. After that access via the browser URL Ace Password. You will be prompted to enter a password that you wrote in the variable $ password, then follow the instructions contained in Web pages. If you encounter an error on the first installation, re-upload. Htaccess and. Htpasswd.

Now access the URL then you will be prompted to enter your username and password, so you're protected phpMyAdmin directory safely. Protection of this directory using HTTP Basic Authentication method in which the password of the directory data is stored temporarily in your browser. When you have opened the phpMyAdmin directory close the browser, when no one else can access the directory by pressing Back.


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