
Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

10 Bad Habits That Deplete Brain !!!!

Not secret anymore that we think, work, considering everything is done by involving the performance of our brain. Our brains who organize and give orders to the organs of our body to perform activities according to our wishes. But our brains can be damaged too loh! And if our brain is damaged, our work might be messed up everything. Therefore, we must keep our brains properly. Here are the things that can make our brain damaged.

1. Do not want breakfast.
Many people underestimate the breakfast, but do not consume food in the morning caused a decline in blood sugar levels. This resulted in a lack of nutrient inputs to the brain which finally ended in the decline of the brain.

2. Most meals.
Too much eating hardening of the brain vessels
which usually leads us to decrease in mental power.
3. Smoking.
Smoking appeared to result in a very terrible in our brains. Imagine, our brains may shrink and eventually loses its functions. No doubt at a time when our parents are prone to Alzheimer's.

4. Consume too much sugar.
Too much sugar will prevent the absorption of protein and nutrients that the body's nutritional deficiencies and impaired brain development.

5. Air pollution.
The brain is the body that absorb most air. Too long in the environment by polluting the air makes the brain works inefficiently.

6. Lack of sleep.
Sleep gives the brain a chance to rest. Often neglect sleep makes the brain cells actually die of exhaustion.

7. Head covered while sleeping.
Sleeping with the head covered is a bad habit that is very dangerous because the carbon dioxide produced during sleep the brain is concentrated so polluted. Do not be surprised if over time the brain becomes damaged.

8. Thinking too hard when you're sick.
Working hard or studying when the condition of the body is not fit will also exacerbate the ineffectiveness of the brain.

9. Lack of stimulation of the brain.
Thinking is the best way to train the brain. Less thinking makes the brain shrink and ultimately do not work optimally.

10. Rarely spoke.
Intellectual conversations are usually brings a good effect on the brain.

Sebenearnya there is one more brain damage ...,

Negative thinkers like ...!

(quoted from the forum LautanIndonesia)

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