
Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010


From Ibn `Abbas said: Rasulullah SAW said:" Sesiapa who fasted on Aasyura (10 Muharram) then Allah will give him a reward of 10.000 and sesiapa angel who fasted on Aasyura (10 Muharram) then it will be rewarded 10,000 people for Haj and berumrah, and 10,000 the reward of martyrdom, and whoever
who rubbed the head of the orphans in the day then Allah will raise every hair with one darjat. And sesiapathat feed the people who break their fast on the believers on the day Aasyura, it is as if he fed the entireUmmah Rasulullah SAW who break the fast and filling their stomachs. "

Then the companions asked the Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah, is there any God hath Aasyura days thanother days?". So said the Prophet Muhammad: "Yes, indeed, God made ​​heaven and earth Taala on Aasyura,making the sea on the day Aasyura, making the hills on the day Aasyura, made ​​Adam and Eve on the dayAasyura, the birth of Prophet Ibrahim is also the Aasyura day, and Allah saved Abraham from the fire also onAasyura, Allah drowned Pharaoh Aasyura days, as curing illness on the day of the Prophet Ayyub Aasyura,Allah accept the repentance of Adam on the day Aasyura, Allah forgives the sins of the Prophet David onAasyura, Allah restore the kingdom of Solomon is also on the day Aasyura, and Judgement Day will occur on the day it also Aasyura! ".
(quoted from the 1001 Exemplary Stories)

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